“Most of us spend too much time on the last 24-hours and too little on the last 6,000 years.” – Will Durant In February, inflation clocked in at a 40-year high. Last week, capital markets made a U-turn and gained some upward momentum. Few reasons why this happened: The Fed confirmed a 0.25% rate hike…
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Recession on the horizon?
The world breaks ever decade or so. Morgan Housel recently wrote about a “shock cycle” for all big news events: Assume good news is permanent. Oblivious to bad news. Ignore bad news. Deny bad news. Panic at bad news. Accept bad news. Assume bad news is permanent. Ignore good news. Deny good news. Accept good…
Market Fragility
We’re living in a time where investors across every asset class are worried about the same thing: monetary policy and its impact on markets. From REIT fund managers to VCs investing in tech to PE folks investing in mid-market companies; all the way to retail investors. There are two types of market environments: volatile and…
Is Human Capital Fungible?
Human capital is a combined set of experience and skills, and for businesses to assign a monetary value to their people and talent. Most companies during the industrial revolution treated employees as fungible. Meaning, their skills and experience is easily replaceable. Let’s briefly explore how human capital evolved in each phase of technology eras. The…
Decision Making Made Simpler
I’ve been trying to practice stoicism to blur out daily noises and focus my energy on things that matter most. On any given day, I’m making decisions that feel paramount, but in hindsight are part of my daily routine. Whether it’s a large media budget allocation for a client or which school my daughter should…
Inflationary Pressure
We’re at the beginning of inflationary pressure, not the end. Below are some thoughts and predictions of what to expect rest of the year. Consumer price index (CPI) is the measure of average changes in prices over time that consumers pay for goods and services. It effectively helps us measure inflation. Historically, the US average…
Work Like An Athlete
Naval Ravikant popularized “work like a lion, not like a cow.” In short, this means sprint as hard as you can while you feel inspired to work, and then rest. Take long breaks. Like a lion. Don’t work like a cow grazing on the field all day. Nobody really works 80-100 hours/week at high output…
Theater Work
Many companies have a clock-in, clock-out culture. They wrestle with trying to move the needle by keeping people busy. This is called theater work. Those long days, random meetings, Zoom calls with 10+ people in attendance but one person presenting… There’s no time left in the day for creative work. There’s no time in the…
Anti-Goal Setting and Fast Forward
With the new year approaching, many people will be setting a new year’s resolution and goals. I’ve found “anti-goal setting” to be an interesting part of that exercise. Anti-goals are things you don’t want to do and things you plan to avoid. Some examples: “I will not consumer sugar this month.” “I will not invest…
Money, Freedom, Passion
At different stages of life, we prioritize what matters most to us. When we’re young, we care about money and trading our time for it. As we reach mid-stage, we care about making more money and doing work that interests us. As we get older, we care about freedom. Most of us crave the optimal…